I haven't posted in a few days because I've been dancing away at ULTRA Music Festival in Miami. Dancing, enjoying the beat can lead to a high calorie burning workout (the more you jump, the better).
An hour of dancing to electronica/techno (higher BPM- Beats Per Minute) burns about 400 calories per hour for an average woman.
In the words of Lady Gaga, put on your shoes and "Just Dance"!
Check out ULTRA maybe something to consider for 2011!!!!
Monday, March 29, 2010
Friday, March 26, 2010
Sore Muscles, Tight Muscles
Personal trainers, massage therapist and doctors alike all recommend adding stretching into your training regimen. We all have very tight muscles, whether it be in our back, IT band, quads, hamstrings, etc. Stretching them out and 'massaging' them can lead to a larger range of motion and better performance.
Enter the FOAM ROLLER:
Stretching alone is great but sore muscles will not feel relief with stretching alone.
A foam roller can eliminate and prevent muscle knots. It is similar to the work of a massage therapist but more convenient and much cheaper.
Enter the FOAM ROLLER:
Stretching alone is great but sore muscles will not feel relief with stretching alone.
A foam roller can eliminate and prevent muscle knots. It is similar to the work of a massage therapist but more convenient and much cheaper.
A Few Foam Rolling Tips:
1. Roll back and forth across the stiff area for 1 minute.
2. Spend extra time directly over the trigger point.
3. Roll the injured area two to three time a day. For prevention of injuries, two to three times a week is recommended.
4. Avoid rolling over bony areas.
5. Always stretch the area following foam rolling.
2. Spend extra time directly over the trigger point.
3. Roll the injured area two to three time a day. For prevention of injuries, two to three times a week is recommended.
4. Avoid rolling over bony areas.
5. Always stretch the area following foam rolling.
Check out this great article from the Health and Fitness Section of the New York Times: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/12/03/health/nutrition/03fitness.html
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Exercise is supposed to be fun!
I wake up on days when I know a long run is approaching. I think about it non stop until I start (then it's never as bad). Planning, planning, planning. Outfits, time, charging my garmin, making a playlist, procrastination at it's finest.
If you're like me, dreading the inevitable 10 miler this afternoon (because after all you have a race coming up this month), TRY to relax. MAKE IT FUN! We do this for pleasure, not professionalism, not perfection. Nothing happens if you run 15 seconds slower, if you stop to get water or go to the bathroom, just enjoy!
It's a perfect day in DC- 65 and sunny! Enough delaying, I'm off to enjoy it!
If you're like me, dreading the inevitable 10 miler this afternoon (because after all you have a race coming up this month), TRY to relax. MAKE IT FUN! We do this for pleasure, not professionalism, not perfection. Nothing happens if you run 15 seconds slower, if you stop to get water or go to the bathroom, just enjoy!
It's a perfect day in DC- 65 and sunny! Enough delaying, I'm off to enjoy it!
Strong Core- It's more than a crunch!
A strong core reduces back pain, improves posture and helps athletic performance tremendously. All powerful movements originate from the core, so a stable core is necessary before the most powerful extremities can contract.
A crunch works a very specific set of muscles; however, the core muscles run the length of the trunk and torso. Your core is your solid foundation, which transfers energy out to the limbs.
These muscles include:
rectus abdominus
erector spinae
internal obliques
external obliques
hip flexors
gluetus maxiumus
gluetus medius
hip adductors
Strengthening the core is most effective when the torso works as a solid unit:
A crunch works a very specific set of muscles; however, the core muscles run the length of the trunk and torso. Your core is your solid foundation, which transfers energy out to the limbs.
These muscles include:
rectus abdominus
erector spinae
internal obliques
external obliques

gluetus maxiumus
gluetus medius
hip adductors
Strengthening the core is most effective when the torso works as a solid unit:
- Exercises include: Plank, Side Plank, Push Up, V-Sits, Squats, Hip Lift, Lunges w/ Twist, Supermans
Stability ball work also helps the core as well as the use of medicine balls or wobble boards. PILATES IS AN EXCELLENT CORE WORKOUT, and athletes should try to incorporate pilates to their training regimen.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Bike Season Approaches
I take a hiatus from outdoor cycling from about November - February. I guess I'm just not as tough as others and prefer to stick to indoor cycling during the coldest months to prevent wind burn over my face and hands.
As I looked in my storage closet at my all carbon Fuji Team, I couldn't help but smile in excitement to hit the trails with it soon.
Monocoque carbon frame, custom carbon seatstays and a carbon fork give you an incredibly smooth and responsive riding experience. Haven't rode one?- take it for a spin! The Fuji Team is ready to help you contend in any race... but, are you?
As I looked in my storage closet at my all carbon Fuji Team, I couldn't help but smile in excitement to hit the trails with it soon.
Monocoque carbon frame, custom carbon seatstays and a carbon fork give you an incredibly smooth and responsive riding experience. Haven't rode one?- take it for a spin! The Fuji Team is ready to help you contend in any race... but, are you?
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Real Girls Wear Running Skirts
Post Race
Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. Water first, then beer.
Re-fuel your body post race- your body's metabolism is still running (no pun intended) rapidly, so make sure to eat within the hour after crossing the finish line. Bananas, bagels, whatever you choose. This is your time to indulge if you so desire.
Ice, ice, ice. Icing post running will help prevent injuries!
Today's National Half Marathon was superb (although I wouldn't have said the same at mile 11)! Great weather, great course! Suntrust could still use some assistance with the organization but it gets better each year.
A few pre and post photos below:
Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. Water first, then beer.
Re-fuel your body post race- your body's metabolism is still running (no pun intended) rapidly, so make sure to eat within the hour after crossing the finish line. Bananas, bagels, whatever you choose. This is your time to indulge if you so desire.
Ice, ice, ice. Icing post running will help prevent injuries!
Today's National Half Marathon was superb (although I wouldn't have said the same at mile 11)! Great weather, great course! Suntrust could still use some assistance with the organization but it gets better each year.
A few pre and post photos below:

Friday, March 19, 2010
Last minute race day prep!
Time on coffee machine set for 5:15am
Race day outfit laid out
All accessories packed to check- camera, blackberry, keys, etc
Carb filled meal consumed (mmm homemade pizza)
Whole wheat premade dough from Trader Joe's
Trader Joe's Pizza Sauce
Mozz Cheese (soy or regular) if you so desire (great w/o as well!)
Grill veggies. Roll out dough with rolling pin (bottle of wine works as well). Place dough directly on grill loaded w/ your sauce, veggies and cheese. Let cook for about 7 minutes as dough become crisp. ENJOY!
And I'm ready. Off to bed! Excited to ROCK 13.1 through DC tomorrow. Ok, more nervous of the pain in my legs and the fact that I haven't properly trained (but I'm trying to forget that for now).
Make working out a priority
During college and onward my friends always asked me 'how do you always find time to fit a work out in?' I have more work than you, more commitments, etc...the list continues.
Simple answer. My workout are a priority in my life. Just as I wouldn't skip a lecture in college (okay, maybe that wasn't the best example) I wouldn't miss a schedule workout either. Find time. Go to bed early, wake up early and squeeze it in before your day starts. Do whatever you need to motivate you. Find something to train for- a 5k, a sprint tri or a long bike ride.
Two good friends of mine decided (separately) to train for spring races. Each are using training schedules which combine running and cross training. Because they know they have a deadline (ie race day) coming up, they fit their runs into their busy lives and are LOVING IT. I couldn't be happier!!!! Working out is time for you to focus on you! Take advantage!!!!
Simple answer. My workout are a priority in my life. Just as I wouldn't skip a lecture in college (okay, maybe that wasn't the best example) I wouldn't miss a schedule workout either. Find time. Go to bed early, wake up early and squeeze it in before your day starts. Do whatever you need to motivate you. Find something to train for- a 5k, a sprint tri or a long bike ride.
Two good friends of mine decided (separately) to train for spring races. Each are using training schedules which combine running and cross training. Because they know they have a deadline (ie race day) coming up, they fit their runs into their busy lives and are LOVING IT. I couldn't be happier!!!! Working out is time for you to focus on you! Take advantage!!!!
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
We all combat injuries
Check out what Bryan Pate (former Ironman and Marathoner) created when he found out that he could no longer run due to injury.
MEET the ElliptiGO... Elliptical meets outdoor road bike. A no-impact way to get around outdoors.
What a great idea for cross training!
ElliptiGO- co-founder speaks out!!!
MEET the ElliptiGO... Elliptical meets outdoor road bike. A no-impact way to get around outdoors.
What a great idea for cross training!
ElliptiGO- co-founder speaks out!!!
cross training,
Reinventing recipes- butternut squash soup
A wonderful red headed Canadian came to visit DC and decided it was time I learned to cook for myself sensibly.
She gave me a recipe for Butternut Squash soup and then reinvented it to fit my liking. No curry, no oil, and definitely no coconut milk! It came out divine, thank you KT! :-)
For my vegetarian friends, omit the chicken! Still wonderful!!!!
1 10 ounce package frozen pureed winter squash
1 cup water
8 oz boneless, skinless chicken breast, thinly sliced
1 6 ounce bag baby spinach
2 tsp lime juice
1/4 tsp salt
She gave me a recipe for Butternut Squash soup and then reinvented it to fit my liking. No curry, no oil, and definitely no coconut milk! It came out divine, thank you KT! :-)
For my vegetarian friends, omit the chicken! Still wonderful!!!!
1 10 ounce package frozen pureed winter squash
1 cup water
8 oz boneless, skinless chicken breast, thinly sliced
1 6 ounce bag baby spinach
2 tsp lime juice
1/4 tsp salt
- Heat squash, water in a medium saucepan over medium-high heat. Cook, stirring occasionally, until the squash defrosts, about 10 minutes. Add chicken, reduce heat to medium and simmer, stirring occasionally, for 3 minutes. Stir in spinach, lime juice, to taste and salt and continue cooking until the chicken is cooked through, about 3 minutes longer.
Monday, March 15, 2010
It's not outdoor cycling...but it's the closest we're gonna get.
And it's a total body workout. Where else can you engage your core on a bike except in a Real Ryder class?
The 'turning bike' by Real Ryder has an articulating frame simulating the feeling of riding a road bike.
On Monday, during my intro class I get similar questions by new riders every week.
Will I catapult off?
How does it turn?
Most often... How do I keep this bike stable?
Well, I wish I had a magical answer. Unfortunately, it takes most people three to five rides to truly get the hang of standing out of the saddle for a long period. If you aren't noticing significant improvement in your performance by class three, let's talk. Otherwise, hang in there!
Check it out! http://realryder.com/
real ryder,
Make a racing fashion statement

If anything, use racing as an excuse to buy new fitness gear (just make sure you've worn it pre race day)! I am always looking for an excuse to buy new Lululemon apparel. Check out I Just Wanna Run Tech in Lagoon!
Can't wait for Saturday... if only my Asics will dry in time. Hopefully I won't be blow drying them Friday night!
fitness fashion,
10 Things I Wish Didn't Happen but Did...
10. Too much, too fast, too hard, too soon....
9. Running through 'shin splints' which actually was a stress fracture in my left tibia (Feb 2009)
8. Continuing to run on the stress fracture until my tibia fractured (late Feb 2009)
7. Hobbling around the district on crutches and in a walking boot...for 12 weeks
6. Getting hit by a large shard of glass in my left calf on rainy Memorial Day at Trader Joes and finding out (13 stitches later) I needed to take a few weeks off from exercise. (However, I should note how thankful I am for a wonderful friend who sat with me for 4 hours in the hospital, laughed with me, forced the nurse to give me pain meds, and used her stellar negotiation skills to make sure I was seen immediately).
5. Flipping over my new all carbon road bike in Margate, breaking my left clavicle (no worries, my beloved bike suffered no injuries!) July 2009
4. Dropping out of Nations Tri because who can swim with a broken collar bone?! (Surprisingly I finished my first century ride!) Sept 2009
3. Suffering great pain in my left hip leading up to the Philly Half Marathon (Nov 2009)
2. Finding out my hip pain was (another) stress fracture at the top of my left femur. (Thankfully no crutches this time!)
1. Learning about injuries the hard way!
From these mistakes, mishaps, and misleading pain I learned the importance of listening to my body. If it hurts (and not in the good way) stop, ice, and reevaluate your training schedule. There will always be another triathlon, marathon or century ride in the near future. So if not now, next year.
I'm glad to say I've recovered and started a relaxed spring training schedule, injury free :-). I'll be running the National Half this Saturday with a friend, purely as a training run. Look for us in our running skirts, hot pink and teal!
9. Running through 'shin splints' which actually was a stress fracture in my left tibia (Feb 2009)
8. Continuing to run on the stress fracture until my tibia fractured (late Feb 2009)
7. Hobbling around the district on crutches and in a walking boot...for 12 weeks
6. Getting hit by a large shard of glass in my left calf on rainy Memorial Day at Trader Joes and finding out (13 stitches later) I needed to take a few weeks off from exercise. (However, I should note how thankful I am for a wonderful friend who sat with me for 4 hours in the hospital, laughed with me, forced the nurse to give me pain meds, and used her stellar negotiation skills to make sure I was seen immediately).
5. Flipping over my new all carbon road bike in Margate, breaking my left clavicle (no worries, my beloved bike suffered no injuries!) July 2009
4. Dropping out of Nations Tri because who can swim with a broken collar bone?! (Surprisingly I finished my first century ride!) Sept 2009
3. Suffering great pain in my left hip leading up to the Philly Half Marathon (Nov 2009)
2. Finding out my hip pain was (another) stress fracture at the top of my left femur. (Thankfully no crutches this time!)
1. Learning about injuries the hard way!
From these mistakes, mishaps, and misleading pain I learned the importance of listening to my body. If it hurts (and not in the good way) stop, ice, and reevaluate your training schedule. There will always be another triathlon, marathon or century ride in the near future. So if not now, next year.
I'm glad to say I've recovered and started a relaxed spring training schedule, injury free :-). I'll be running the National Half this Saturday with a friend, purely as a training run. Look for us in our running skirts, hot pink and teal!
stress fracture,
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