Sunday, April 25, 2010

Heated room HELL

Enter a Bikram studio, temperatures ranging between 94 and 103 degrees F.  I could sweat reading a book in there.
Enter the instructor, everyone rises.  We are lead through 26 exercises including 2 breathing exercises.  I have a love-hate relationship with Bikram yoga.  It heals me, strengthens me, helps to increase my flexibility and injury prevention.  I leave after 90 minutes, drenched in sweat but relaxed (and glad to be breathing colder air).  Every class, around 60-70 minutes through the practice, I think 'why do I put myself through this torture.'  I'm hot, sweaty and frustrated as I lose concentration and find myself falling out of poses.  And then I remember why I'm come- because I leave feeling better than I walked in ... ALWAYS.
I believe that Bikram will help improve my athletic performance, and maybe even get me through a marathon sans injuries.  I'm finally learning the importance of incorporating yoga, pilates, etc. into my training regimen- realizing it can be almost as beneficial as long runs themselves.
I encourage you to try Bikram, in whatever city you reside.  Most studios have a trial week for ~$ can do all the Bikram you can handle in 7 consecutive days.  That may be just what you need to bring on the addiction.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Don't dream it, B. it

Meet Ilyse Baker!  Your dance fitness guru!  Now, if only we can get a clone of her on the east coast, we can all experience the fun.
Sweat, dance, sing to the music...and before you know it  the best hour of your day have come to a close.  Leave your problems and worries at the door and dance it out.  She practices what she preaches- a dancer since age 2, performer and superb choreographer.  Her classes are merely a demonstration of her ability to change lives through dance.  

Check her out on today's Vital Juice: This Trainer Thinks You Can Dance
I couldn't be prouder!  

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

In the running world.... GIRLS RULE

Twenty-five years ago, my mom was a minority.  A female runner- a female marathoner no less.  Now, as I begin (or start and stop) my running career, women have finally caught up and surpassed (in a few races) male registration numbers.
Some attribute this to the fact that females are more organized and more apt to register on time before a registration closes out.  Others say woman are drawn to running due to the camaraderie that comes with the mileage.  Whatever it is, women are finally standing out in races.
 Women still are not, and never will be as fast as men, but races are becoming more of a social experience than just about times itself.  After two stress fractures in 2009, I wish I could go out just to enjoy myself in every race 100% of the time.  Regardless of time, I wish I could be proud just completing the race.  I'll never be first and I'll never be last so why not enjoy myself for the long haul. 
Check out this article in the Philadelphia Inquirer.  I look forward to seeing the ladies (and men) at Broad Street May 2nd!  I'll be in a running skirt running alongside a best friend, Michele Annibal (as long as my tibia can keep up with her).  SEE YOU  THERE!


Friday, April 16, 2010

Throw IT- just don't let go!

Yes, I'm talking about the infamous kettlebell.  The kettlebell focuses on muscle integration not isolation.  The drills require multiple muscle groups to work in unison in order to perform correctly.  The core and the back are the stability of all kettlebell exercises.  The day after my first set of kettlebell swings, my back was TIGHT (consider this your warning).  Nonetheless, it indicated I needed to strength my back to even out my core muscles.  (My 2nd day of kettlebells was far better). 

The most fundamental kettlebell exercise is the famous swing.  It combines a squat, a thrust and a lateral raise into one fluid movement. 
Find a trainer who can assist you for your first set of swings.  This odd shaped chunk of iron is addictive and the possibility of drills are endless!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Engage the Adductors

We're always running, jumping or pressing with our legs, but how often do we stretch them? I'm not talking about just a basic calf, hamstring, or quad stretch. (Those three are all very important).

The importance of stretching your adductors (inner thighs) will help your run, jump or leg press greatly! Thanks to the pilates reformer's famous 'feet in straps', we can easily stretch out a bit.

See above:

Jen can feel it! I encourage you to try it to.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Congratulations Jessica, you're In!

"I'm in, you're in"- The new marketing slogan for the 2010 NYC Marathon.  Except, my friends aren't in, but I'm in.  The good ones will be cheering for me, the great ones will run a few miles alongside me :-)

Nonetheless, it's the NYC Marathon- how could I not be pumped?!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Plank it Out

I used to be one of those exercisers who thought it wasn't a workout unless I was soaked in sweat with a heart rate above 80% of my max.  After several injuries in 2009 as a result of overtraining, I was convinced by another runner and pilates addict, Mike Huling to try the pilates reformer.
One private session later and I was hooked.  Eventually I decided to become certified in pilates through Balance Body University, so I could help clients become stronger, leaner and faster.
My favorite move is the PLANK- it requires a STRONG core and after a few sessions you'll start to see improvement and results.  Don't get discouraged, Jen Stuhr makes it look much easier than it actually is.  Thank you again, Jen for letting me video you.  Not many people are willing to be photographed while working out.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

New City, New Apt, New Job, New Gym

It's been a while since I've had a chance to post- in the past week I moved to Philadelphia, started a new job and have been auditioning at a few gyms in the Philadelphia area.  None will replace VIDA Fitness, but hopefully I find somewhere almost as wonderful. 
I've been running the city to learn it a bit better.  I did my first 10 mile full loop on Kelly and West River Drive last Sunday!  What a scenic run!  
Comcast is coming Saturday afternoon to install internet in my apartment so stay tuned for Kettle Bell info, TRX work, and video demos featuring a wonderful 'reformist'- Jennifer Stuhr.