Monday, March 15, 2010

It's not outdoor cycling...but it's the closest we're gonna get.

And it's a total body workout.  Where else can you engage your core on a bike except in a Real Ryder class?

The 'turning bike' by Real Ryder has an articulating frame simulating the feeling of riding a road bike.

On Monday, during my intro class I get similar questions by new riders every week.
Will I catapult off?
How does it turn?
Most often... How do I keep this bike stable?

Well, I wish I had a magical answer.  Unfortunately, it takes most people three to five rides to truly get the hang of standing out of the saddle for a long period.  If you aren't noticing significant improvement in  your performance by class three, let's talk.  Otherwise, hang in there!

Check it out! 

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