Monday, May 10, 2010

PC in a Spin Class?

My Mondays mornings are like most others in the 9-5 world; Answering emails, returning voicemails and figuring out exactly what you didn't do Friday afternoon that really needs to get done.
By noon, I'm itching for a good workout.
Luckily, Ross the group ex coordinator at Weston Fitness teaches a Monday noon spin.  I emailed him earlier to tell him I'd be there.  Class was full and I got a bike in the back corner of the room.  As an instructor, I'm used to sitting front and center. However, I like taking others classes because it's a time to focus on myself.  That class (unlike the ones I teach) is ALL about me, not my students.
I got on my bike, clipped in, and began my ride.  As much as I like to focus on my form, I can't help looking around at everyone else.  After all, that's what we're expected to do as instructors.  The woman next to me dropped her hips, tightened her shoulders and (gasp) rested her forearms on the handle bars.  I was tempted to tap her and tell her to fix her form to improve her workout, prevent injuries, and burn more calories, but I was just another student.  Instead of climbing at 80% of my MAX like I should have, I climbed at 70% so I could stare at her improper climb.  Who was I to tell her what to do?  She didn't know I instruct and I put myself in her shoes for a second to realize I wouldn't want another student correcting me?  So, I continued on, tried to forget about her poor ride, and reminded myself that taking a spin class is about self-improvement, not critiquing others.
On that note, I now realize the importance of my former Monday night Intro to Real Ryder class at Vida Fitness.  Teaching students proper form when they first start indoor cycling leads to better performance as they continue classes.
Have I mentioned I miss Vida recently?

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